国内在职博士、在职硕士、MBA/EMBA培训资源分享平台 »
  • 历年工商管理硕士MBA精选试题宝库一2009-04-08 11:27:25
  •   历年工商管理硕士MBA精选试题宝库一 1、经济学的三个基本问题是什么?他们之间有什么联系?解决这三个基本问题的决定因素是什么? 答:经济学的三个基本问题是: (1):生产什么和生产多少,是对资源如何配置的问题; (2):如何生产,选择什么样的生产技术问...
  • 华宏名师谷雨:2008年考研MBA联考写作真题及答案点评2009-04-08 11:26:52
  •     2008MBA联考写作参考要点   61 下面是一段关于中医的辩论。请分析甲乙双方的论辩在概念、论证方法、论据及结论等方面的有效性。600字左右。   甲:有人以中医不能被西方人普遍接受为理由,否定中医的科学性,我不赞同。西方人不能普遍接受中医是因为他们不...
  • 2007年10月在职MBA考试真题详解之逻辑部分2009-04-08 11:26:45
  •   2007年10月在职MBA考试真题详解之逻辑部分 三、逻辑推理(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分,从下面每小题所列的5个备选答案中选取一个,多选为错。) 31.在“非典”期间,某地区共有7名参与治疗“非典”的医务人员死亡,同时也有10名未参...
  • 中国人民大学历年MBA面试试题集锦2009-04-08 11:26:33
  •   中国人民大学历年MBA面试试题集锦 A版 1、谈谈你作为一名管理者对管理的看法。 2、你觉得什么是作为一名管理者应该具备的素质? 3、你和原来的上司在工作中如何相处? 4、如果你的你的下属发生矛盾,你如何处理? 5、谈谈你认为自己成功的一次经验。 6、谈谈你认为...
  • 北大、清华、人大、复旦英语面试经典35题2009-04-01 11:26:29
  •   北大、清华、人大、复旦英语面试经典35题     1.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?     2.Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in C...
  • 06在职硕士联考MPA管理学部分真题及参考答案2009-04-08 11:22:39
  • 06在职硕士联考MPA管理学部分真题及参考答案 一、简述题     (一)控制的特征   (1)控制具有整体性。   (2)控制具有动态性。   (3)控制是对人的控制和由人执行的控制。   (4)控制时提高下属工作工作能力的重要手段。   (二)管理的目标构成   (...
  • 2004年MBA联考英语真题2009-04-08 11:22:20
  •   2004年MBA联考英语真题Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this sect...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十八)2009-04-08 11:22:18
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十八) Bra09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十八)gging about your fancy new cell phone is a fleeting pleasure; after all, today's coolest models tend to be next month's paperweights. By contrast, the half-life of a cordle...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十七)2009-04-08 11:22:14
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十七) Las Vegas, where every born loser is told he is a potential winner, has always had a way with words. Prostitution is technically illegal in the city. But a private "dance" in one's hotel room is not--even...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十六)2009-04-01 11:22:09
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十六) "The creation of the PC is the best thing that ever happened," said Bill Gates at a conference on "digital dividends" in 2000. He even wondered if it might be possible to make computers for the...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十五)2009-04-08 11:22:06
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十五) Assistants in record shops are used to receiving "humming queries": a customer comes into the store humming a song he wants, but cannot remember either the title or the artist. Knowledgeable staff are oft...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十四)2009-04-01 11:22:03
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十四) It is a devastating prospect. Terrorists electronically break into the computers that control the water supply of a large American city, open and close valves to contaminate the water with untreated sewage or toxic...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十三)2009-04-01 11:22:00
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十三) Muffin Man has more than 2,000 songs on his hard drive, and he's happy to share them. He's a big fan of bands like Pearl Jam and the White Stripes, so there's plenty of hard rock in his collection.   But chance...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十二)2009-04-01 11:21:56
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十二) Tennis hopeful Jamie Hunt, 16, felt he could not become a world-class junior player while attending a regular school. The international circuit has players on the road 50% of the time--and it's hard to focus on you...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十一)2009-04-01 11:21:54
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十一) Valeta Young, 81, a retiree from Lodi, Calif., suffers from congestive heart failure and requires almost constant monitoring. But she doesn't have to drive anywhere to get it. Twice a day she steps onto a special e...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十)2009-04-08 11:21:51
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十) At the end of last week, Bodega Aurrerá, a Mexican subsidiary of the world's biggest retailer, Wal-Mart, opened a new store in the village of San Juan Teotihuacán, just north of Mexico City. Normally, s...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(二十九)2009-04-01 11:21:48
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(二十九) Tanna Oldfield's software company needed to establish rapport between some new hires and the firm's old guard. She says the company, which is based in Austin, Texas, wanted to do something different--to "step...
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