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  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十九)2009-04-16 11:24:52
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(三十九) Many people think that information technology and biotechnology will rule the 21st century. Robert Birge, a chemist at the University of Connecticut, is trying to combine them, by making computer memories out of pr...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(二十二)2009-04-16 11:24:46
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(二十二) Plowing through the New York Times on a recent Sunday, I read in the Metro Section that infertile couples in the market for smart-kid genes regularly place advertisements in the newspapers of their own Ivy League a...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(二十一)2009-04-16 11:24:40
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(二十一) As colleges and universities send another wave of graduates out into the world this spring, thousands of other job seekers with liberal-arts degrees like Martin's find themselves in a similar bind. True enough, thi...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十五)2009-04-16 11:24:37
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十五) It was a brief, shining moment in Egypt's history--a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti. During his 17-year reign the old gods were cast aside, monothei...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十四)2009-04-16 11:24:34
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十四)  The train was running late, but the 35 aboriginal children who had travelled for two hours through the South Australian desert to meet it did not seem to mind. It was, after all, Australia’s and one of the wo...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十三)2009-04-16 11:24:31
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十三) As a track star in high school, Sallie Krawcheck ranked among her state's best at the high jump. But she hasn't jumped for anyone since, and her unshakable independence has propelled her career on Wall Street to heig...
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十二)2009-04-16 11:24:25
  • 09年MBA英语阅读理解试题精选解析(十二) Here’s the scary thing about the identity-theft ring that the feds cracked last week: there was nothing any of its estimated 40,000 victims could have done to prevent it from happening. This was an inside job,...
  • 09MPA公共管理硕士MPA入学面试真题解析(一)2009-04-16 11:23:09
  • 09MPA公共管理硕士MPA入学面试真题解析(一)  1.问:你是新上任的副镇长,根据镇政府的决议给下属安排工作,在会上同时有几个下属提出理由不能执行,使你很难堪你该怎么办?     【回答要点】:正确的做法是虚心听取群众的不同意见,认真调查和了解各方面的情...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题六2009-04-01 11:23:08
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题六    It was once thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst ai...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题八2009-04-01 11:23:07
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题八    There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degrees of health and wealth and the other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes miserable. This arises from different wa...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题七2009-04-16 11:23:06
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题七    Robert Spring, a 19th century forger (伪造者), was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was horn in England in 18...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题五2009-04-01 11:23:05
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题五 Honeybees cannot live alone. Their body structure and instincts equip them for life in a colony of community, where they have a complex social organization and the various duties are divided among the individuals...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题四2009-04-01 11:23:04
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题四 As world population becomes denser, we will feel greater pressure from the expanding number of people. Some experts argue that we are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can support adequately...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题三2009-04-16 11:23:02
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题三 Because of its potential for cutting costs, the distribution step in the marketing process is receiving more attention. Distribution involves warehousing, transporting and keeping inventory of manufactured produc...
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题二2009-04-16 11:23:01
  • 工程硕士GCT英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题二 Lod carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool.This form of art has a history of over ,000 years and a unique artistic style.The following is som...
  • 工程硕士英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题一2009-04-16 11:23:00
  • 工程硕士英语考试阅读理解专项模拟试题一 All the people who went to the new supermarket had one great hope: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for his shopping.For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promise    It said, Remem...
  • MBA联考面试题目汇总(二)2009-04-16 11:22:59
  • MBA联考面试题目汇总(二)    1.谈谈你的经历,工作业绩。      2.在你的工作经历之中哪些是你的成功之作,为什么?     3.在你的工作中你取得了哪些经验教训?      4.从你的...
  • MBA联考面试题目汇总(一)2009-04-01 11:22:58
  •    MBA联考面试题目汇总(一)    1.请谈谈你自己。      2.你为什么要读MBA?      3.你为什么想要报考这所学校?      4.你认为我们是否能够录取你? &nb...;
  • 2008年MBA写作联考真题优秀范文选登2009-04-16 11:22:55
  •   2008年MBA写作联考真题优秀范文选登   1、信仰是精神的支柱和动力    古代楚国有个卞和,在山中发现了一块璞玉,于是将那块璞玉献给楚厉王,厉王让玉匠鉴别,而玉匠说那是石头,结果厉王把卞和当作骗子而砍去了左脚。然而卞和对那块璞玉依然深信不疑,后...
  • MBA联考逻辑经典练习试题及答案解析2009-04-01 11:22:54
  •   MBA联考逻辑经典练习试题及答案解析  1、要选修数理逻辑课,必须已修普通逻辑课,并对数学感兴趣。有些学生虽然对数学感兴趣,但并没修过普通逻辑课,因此,有些对数学感兴趣的学生不能选修数理逻辑课。以下哪项的逻辑结构与题干的最为类似? A.学校规定,要获得...
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